Диляра - Русскоязычный риэлтор в США (Вирджиния, Мэриленд и округ Колумбия)

США США / Вашингтон

Dilyara Daminova is our Russian speaking real estate guru in the DMV area and specializes in providing well-rounded representation and is a practiced and highly skilled negotiator. Her philosophy is simpleevery transaction is unique and a big deal. Dilyara attributes much of her success to the people she has met, experience from each transaction, and her constant thirst for knowledge. Dilyara serves clients from all walks of life and forges a trusting relationship that often lasts beyond each transaction. She has a unique ability to look at each real estate deal from a creative perspective and manages each transaction from start to finish. From first contact you will see that Dilyara is a passionate and professional Realtor who brings her charisma, expertise, and experience to every client she meets. She has an amazing support team and together they have earned the trust of hundreds of satisfied clients over the years.

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